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Letter from the Editor

This is the first issue of Migraineur published since last spring, a pause made necessary by the unprecedented emergence of so many new therapies for headache occurring over such a short period of time. Five new medications for migraine prevention, one also indicated for the prevention of cluster headache, and four new medications for acute migraine treatment. Nine new medications for migraine management! And all designed specifically for migraine…not recruited from the ranks of medications initially developed for hypertension, depression or epilepsy.  

A lot to take in. When I decided to make this therapeutic revolution the central feature of the magazine’s next issue, the revolutionary dust had not yet settled. Now, through our own research and clinical work at GW and that of clinical neuroscientists internationally, I feel we have had enough experience with this bounty to offer the readership the overview they deserve: a fair, balanced, realistic and informed description of how migraine’s therapeutic landscape has changed.  

Remember that all of our issues and blogs are posted on our website, migraineurmagazine.com. They are “open access”, available to all for downloading and printing at no cost. Subscribe to the journal electronically and receive email notifications when new issues are published or new blogs or special announcements appear. Finally, if you have a question or comment or wish to contribute something from your own “migraine experience” to the magazine, contact our editorial office at edoffice@migraineurmagazine.com.

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