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Letter from the Editor

After 6 years this magazine’s most frequently downloaded article remains “Migraine 101” from the Fall 2017 issue. While “The Sexual Side of Migraine” from the Spring 2018 issue and “A Migraine Revolution” from the Winter 2020 issue have had many thousands of viewers, they run a distant second and third to “Migraine 101”.

In that article we sought to provide the reader with a general introduction to migraine, offering a specific clinical definition of the disorder, a basic understanding of the biologic process which produces migraine and an overview of how migraine can be treated most effectively. In our clinics we routinely refer our new migraine patients to the article before recommending more specific topics relevant to their individual needs, and these patients typically have found its content to be helpful in better understanding the whys and hows of the treatment strategy prescribed.

Given the many advances in migraine therapeutics that have occurred since the publication of “Migraineur 101”, we thought it would be appropriate to return to the topic in this, the first issue of the New Year. This time we have included a more detailed description of the biologic circuitry that drives migraine and an explanation of how our knowledge of that circuitry influences therapeutic management. Hopefully the article will prove to be as a popular with our readership – and  presumably as helpful – as its 2017 predecessor.

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